how to write a postcard

How to write a postcard so you can send some snail mail

Fun & Leisure

Postcards may seem like an outdated thing but to receive a postcard is appreciated in this day and age. I would personally love it if I received a postcard.

Ideas for when to send postcards:

I like to send a postcard from every city I visit. It works as a souvenir as well. You can write to yourself or your family member and keep the postcard once you get home.

I also use coloruing postcards to motivate myself to colour.

Postcards can also be cute if you are in a long-distance relationship or if you don’t want to write the usual cards to your boyfriend. Switch it up and write postcards to each other.

Directions on how to write a postcard

So now you might not have written a postcard. Here is information on how and what to write.

On the top right you put your stamp. The post office will have stamps so you don’t need to worry about that. It costs about $1 to ship within your country a little more for outside the country.

So on the right side, you would put your address and name so for example:


You want to write your address in capitals, clear and in a colour that shows so it is easy for the postman to read it properly.

On the left side, you want to write your message. Now for the message, you don’t want to write something private since it is open and everyone can read it. Keep the message short and sweet. I like to write about 5 lines. There is a space limit so keep that in mind when you start writing.

Sign the postcard like you would sign a card so for example: Love Pigeon Talk.

There you have it the perfect sweetest card to give anyone!


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