Easy dinner recipe for Thai Red Curry

Food & drink Recipes

This is an easy dinner recipe that can be prepared in 15-20 minutes. It can be eaten with rice. 

I am not the type of person who likes to make things from scratch. I take the easy efficient way out. If you are looking for a delicious yet easy dinner recipe, you have come to the right place.

It tastes as good, so you are not missing out on a curry from from scratch. The secret is the Aroy D Red Curry Thai Paste which you can buy from any Asian grocery store or a grocery store that sells international pastes.


2 pounds boneless chicken cut into small cubes

3 tbsp flat of Thai curry paste (I use Aroy D red curry Thai paste)

1 tsp salt

½ cup coconut powder (I use Maggie powder but you can use any other coconut powder)

2 cups water

8 Kafir lime leaves

3-4 red chilli Thai

1/2 lemongrass


Use a pot to make the curry. Turn the stove temperature to high. Heat the oil, then put the chicken, add the coconut powder and add the paste. Keep stirring to avoid the chicken sticking to the pot. 

Once the chicken changes colour put 2 cups of water into the same pot. Turn the temperature to medium. After it starts boiling put the red chillies, kafir lime leaves and lemongrass.

After that put it on (simmer) and keep it for 15 minutes.

Wrap Up

If you want to make this dish into a soup, just add more water and you can put in rice noodles. It tastes just as good and feels warm and homely on a cold winter day. 

Tip: you can freeze your red chillies, Kafir lime leaves and lemongrass if you bought a big packet. Everytime you need them you can take them out of the freezer and use them straight away.

Comment below and let me know how the dish turned out. Did it fulfill your Thai food cravings? Because it certainly fulfills mine!

Enjoyed the recipe and looking for other easy recipes check out our recipe for Beef Teriyaki.


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