rebounding relationships

Rebound relationships – Why are they a bad idea


Have you recently come out of a relationship? Looking to get away from your feelings through a rebound. Rebound relationships might not be the great idea you think it is.

Rebounds can be a way to suppress your feelings

In order to get over someone, you need to deal with the feelings. Feel them outcry if you need to. Feel sad. You expected things from the relationship. You lost someone you loved. Grieve the end of the relationship. 

This is not the time to try getting off the feelings by jumping into something new to get your mind off. That is just pushing the feelings down and that is not healthy. 

If you suppress feelings they can come out in other ways or take a toll on your body.

You need time to reflect on the end of the relationship

You need time to figure out why the relationship didn’t work and learn from them

Taking a break will help you understand yourself better. Take the time to reflect on what you want instead of trying to jump into something meaningless. If you don’t take the time to ponder what went wrong you might make the same mistakes again.

If you just broke up you aren’t emotionally ready to deal with another relationship. That is why rebound relationships aren’t a good idea.

Would you want to be a rebound?

It is unfair to your new partner that you haven’t taken the time to get over your ex. If you are still talking to your ex and haven’t figured out your plan and whether it is ended adding someone else the mix is not a good idea. 

Ask yourself some questions

So if it’s been a short time since your relationship ended and you want to get into something new ask yourself some questions 

  1. Am I doing this to run away from my feelings?
  2. What could I do instead to deal with my emotions?
  3. Have I taken time to reflect on the relationship?
  4. Are there any lessons I can learn from the relationship?
  5. Do I need more time before I meet someone new?

These questions will help you decide whether you are ready to meet someone new. It’s okay to take your time. Everyone requires a different amount of time. 


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