quarantine date ideas

Dating ideas during quarantine 


Who knew the pandemic would last so long and it would become such a struggle to date. Dating pre-pandemic was hard enough and now you have to deal with not being able to meet the person in real life. Don’t fret though we have a list of the best dating ideas during quarantine. 

When we feel like the world is ending, stressed, or alone we want to find a partner faster. That is why you probably have noticed the amount of people getting married or into a relationship has increased. This is good news! It means there are more people on the app and the chances they are serious are even higher. 

Where to find people to go about the dating ideas during quarantine 

Online apps

Well, the online apps are buzzing with people during the pandemic. You can even get a paid subscription like Eharmony if you are looking for more serious people. Sometimes paying for a service makes people more serious. I took a course online for free didn’t do any of the homework. I took another course paid money for it I showed up to every class and did the homework. Adding a value amount to the service makes you more serious about it so there might be more serious people on paid apps. If that is what you are looking for of course. 

Ask a friend to set you up

There are other ways to get set up during quarantine as well. Ask a friend to introduce you to someone they know that is single. That way they even know whether you would be compatible. 

Virtual work buddy

Get to know someone at work. Lots of new people are joining the workforce virtually. Why not talk to someone and get to know them. Who knows something can strike? 

Speed dating

There are zoom virtual dating options available. Yeah, that sounds a bit awkward but I am sure anything is possible in the virtual world now. 

Found someone now looking for dating ideas during quarantine? 

First, I will go over the list that involves dating virtually. I know quarantine rules look different around the world so let’s start with dating ideas if you are in complete lockdown.

Play games 

Games, games, and games that is how fun dating starts. You can get to know so much about someone with the way that they are in a game. There are so many fun games you can play with someone online.

Covidoply is one of them. It is more fun with 3 players but it possible to play with 2 people as well. It is like a monopoly deal but covid themed

Amongst us – this is for more players but you and your date can join a room of strangers and play while you watch each other. 

Skribbl – This is a drawing game where you can guess what the other person draws. It is always funny to see how bad someone is at drawing. 

Then there are of course the games that are there on house party the app. 

These are the games that are coming to my mind but there are probably so many other options 

Phone calls

Talking to someone on the phone without meeting them might sound awkward but it very intimate. Getting to know someone without ever seeing them. You can get comfortable and talk about anything. 

If you are the type of person that doesn’t know what to say on the phone don’t be scared to play a game that involved asking questions.

You can look at our blog on first date conversation or find the 36 questions to fall in love. This will help be an icebreaker and get to know the other person a little better

Talking on the phone can help filter out people. You don’t want to waste a month talking to someone and find out you can’t stand talking to them for 10 minutes.

For a first phone call, I would keep the length from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Don’t go too short give the person a chance. Going too long can decrease the mystery.

Video calls

Feeling brave? You can do a video call. With this, you can also play a question game or just talk as if you are meeting in real life. Maybe share a drink together.

Order each other food

Share a meal together virtually. You can Ubereats each other something and then eat together. Surprise your date with your favourite meal and they can do the same to you.

Watch a movie together

I like seeing people’s expressions while watching a movie or hearing their laughter. So watch either a scary movie or a comedy at the same time and keep the video call on. I mean it isn’t going to be like holding hands at a movie but it can be pretty fun. 

Watch a comedian on Netflix like Trevor Noah, Hassan Minaj or Ali Wong.

Cook together

Why not do a cook-off. Make a dish separately at the same time and talk to each other on video. Maybe you can teach your date a family recipe

Exercise together

Couples that gym together stay together. Do a live zoom workout together. 

Dating ideas during quarantine for social distancing 

You can bike and then go on a picnic together. You can maintain your distance. Just let the person know in advance that you want to. 

You can go for a walk together for ice cream as well. 

Dating ideas during quarantine for someone who is part of your social bubble

Just want to go on a date with someone that is part of your social bubble? 

There are places open that are covid friendly. Like a fun bar patio date. Or you can go bowling if that’s open in your area. Going to a drive-in cinema can be a real vibe 

  1. Patios 
  2. Bowling 
  3. Drive-in cinema 
  4. Lakefront date

Check out our blogs on first-date ideas and cute spring date ideas. This will give you more suggestions for things to do if you aren’t planning on dating virtually. 

Wrap up for Dating ideas during quarantine

Lastly, to wrap up I would like to say be careful the pandemic is still on. Obey rules and choose wisely how you date. You don’t want to meet a stranger and regret it.

Do what you are comfortable with and don’t be afraid to set covid boundaries. 


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