Do I need a life coach? – Find out now

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Are you feeling stuck in your life? Having issues making plans for the future? It might be time to get a life coach.

What is a life coach?

A life coach is someone who can give you tools and methods for different life skills. This can include but isn’t limited to goal setting, budgeting, mindset changes, setting boundaries, and problem-solving

Life coaches can teach you tools like problem solving that can be used in many life situations. Skills learned can be transferred too many areas of life including relationships, community, work and etc.

Life coaches don’t provide you advice. Instead, they empower you to come to the conclusion yourself. This is done through different methods but one of them is questioning. Life coaches probe you to get you reflecting on your life.

Misconceptions about life coaches 

Life coaches are often confused with mentors. A mentor is someone who helps you but they can give advice. A life coach tries to avoid giving advice and instead makes you reach the decision on your own.

Life coaching is all about you. A life coach doesn’t want to rescue you they want to empower you. They want you to be able to survive without them.

Life coaches are not therapists. They can’t comment on whether you have a mental illness or help you in any way with that. Life coaches on how they can help you in the future not what happened to you in the past. 

Do life coaches have certification?

They can have certifications but there is no regulated board like there is for therapy. So you can have a life coach that got certified with a one-day coaching workshop. You can also have someone who spent a year getting their coaching license. Ask your coach if they have some sort of certification because you want to make sure they put in the work.

Do you need a life coach?

So now you know more about what a life coach is so let’s talk about what you are going through. Sometimes in life, we want more structure or probing. We need someone to hold us accountable or we feel like we don’t have the tools to do something. This is when the life coach can come into your life and help you.

Coaches and goal setting

There are life coaches that help motivate you and with goal setting. They can teach you methods on how to break down your goals. Use SMART goals to set goals. Show you how to use small steps to set goals. 

They can show you different visuals and then make you reflect on that. They can also do one-on-one questioning to get you where you want to be.


On our own, it can be difficult to reflect or ask ourselves the right questions. When someone else asks us it gets us to think.

If you are finding it difficult to achieve something the life coach might be able to help you get there.

Practical issues

Life coaches can also be there for practical issues like helping a newcomer or budgeting. It can be hard for us to save. It might be because we don’t know how to budget or have a problem understanding our finances. Sitting with a life coach can change that.

I would highly recommend having at least one session with a life coach. We all need someone to guide us.

Ask yourself these questions to decide whether you need a life coach. These are a few limited questions there can be hundreds of reasons why you could need a coach.

Questions to ask yourself

  1. Do you think you have a limited or scarcity mindset?
  2. You don’t know how to save or budget?
  3. Do you have problems achieving your goals
  4. Is procrastinating an issue for you?
  5. Having problems setting boundaries?
  6. Wondering how to be assertive
  7. Can’t hold yourself accountable
  8. Feeling stuck?
  9. Want to find your purpose?
  10. Want to learn how to deal with feedback?
  11. Finding it hard to deal with failure?
  12. Feeling like you aren’t worthy?
  13. Looking for an opportunity for self-growth
  14. Want to learn how to problem-solve?
  15. Finding it difficult to get started on goals.

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