cleaning up the closet

Cleaning up the closet – Where to even start?


I am not going to lie my closet is a dump. It includes things I haven’t worn in the last 2 years is it because of the pandemic or just me who knows. Before the pandemic, I used to be a size small and now I am a medium. This shift in size has caused me to buy basically everything new which means my clothes have doubled. This means double the mess! That is why cleaning up the closet was so important.

I still had the old clothes and the new clothes and just nowhere to put them, and things are just swamping out. So many unironed clothes. When I look at an unironed shirt it somehow just feels like it is old to me. I am attracted to the ironed new crisp type of look.

I am moving soon and the first area I decided to tackle was my closet. It has been a long mission. So based on what I did here is my advice for those who have an overburdening closet and need somewhere to start.

It can be overwhelming to see a closet that is oozing out with clothes. Where do you even start? That is why you need a game plan and that’s what we are here to help you with. Starting small is the way to get to any goal and that is what you need to do with your closet.

organising closet

Cleaning up the Closet – Get started now

Throw out what is torn

I can not be alone in this that I keep things that are torn. My jeans and pajamas rip often which leaves me with a lot of torn pants. I like a hoarder just keep these in the closet. I even sometimes wear torn pajamas when I can’t find anything else. If they weren’t there I wouldn’t wear them so they really needed to go. I created a pile just of torn clothes. You can put this in a box at a place like H&M or where they use jeans to make new clothes. You don’t want to donate this to a place that takes only actual clothes because well if you aren’t going to wear torn clothes no one else is. Donate clothes that can be used. Donating is part of cleaning up the closet.

Throw out what doesn’t fit you

First, try the clothes you don’t think will fit and just throw them out. I know we all have some clothes and that’s our aimed weight. That is okay to have if the clothes are one or two items. If half the clothes you have in your closet are a size you haven’t been in 2 years I am sorry to break this to you but those things GOT TO GO.

You don’t have to try every item you just have to do try a few you and you will understand what doesn’t fit you. Then throw those out. I understood anything that has a small size tag on it was not going to fit me so I took all those items and put them in a bag.

If your clothes are in good condition give them to a friend or better yet donate them. Pre-loved clothes are all the rage these days. You can also sell them on the Facebook marketplace and get a good rate.

Throw out what you don’t wear

There are things that I haven’t worn in the last 6 years I still have them in my closet. Gone far are my college years but I still think one day I am going to have that life where I party all the time and will need those clothes. I had to come to give myself a reality check and admit that is not going to happen. Also, half the stuff has gone out of style. Now everything does come back into fashion but I am not going to hold those clothes for another 10 years for that to happen. You shouldn’t do that either unless they are super expensive clothes

Try creating a capsule closet

This isn’t for everyone but now it’s not about more clothes it is about buying basics that can be worn in different ways. Instead of buying things that won’t last buy things that will last and you have a few off. I honestly wear 5 clothes a week so why do have so many clothes is a question I am left asking myself.

Cleaning up the closet by organizing everything

organised closet

Now after I am moving it is a new beginning for me and that means I have to get organized or I’ll be in the same mess all over again with clothes coming out everywhere. I need an action plan. Everything needs to be hanging or in the drawer. Once I do laundry it is time to fold and hang clothes.

Clothes can only go in the laundry bag or need to be hung. My bed and the floor are not a place for clothes. So let’s see how my new beginning goes.

Comment below and let us know whether you are ready to clean out your closet.

Write 10 promises you are willing to make to yourself regarding your closet. Remember you can start as small as you need and only complete one promise at a time. Keeping achievable goals is key. Let’s get started on cleaning up the closet.


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